Sunday Morning
Sunday School starts at 9:30 am
Sunday Morning service begins at 10:45 am
Wednesday Evening
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study starts at 6:45 pm
Worship Ministry
Our praise team leads us at each service in a number of hymns, praise songs and contemporary Christian selections aimed to exalt the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Good News Clubs
On Wednesday Evening, we have a time of solid Biblical teaching, music, games, fun and fellowship for kids aged 5 and up. We have teachers with over 30 years of experience in children’s ministry both here at MUBC and in the schools in our community. Our kids have a great heart for the Lord and have done outreach to homeless shelters, shut-ins and newborn
mothers to name a few! Who says you have to be an adult to participate in service for the Lord?! Join us for the Good News Club and learn how you and your children can be a part of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Ladies Fellowship
Once a month our ladies gather together for relevant bible study, prayer and fellowship in someone’s home. It is a great way to meet other women who love the Lord as much as you do and want to make a difference for Him where He has placed you.